Transport Box Foam Inserts

Foam Inserts are produced from various kinds of foams - usually those with higher density or with additional finishing (in form of an extra coating) or made from EVA foams.

These kinds of foams stand out from others because of their specifications, which is why they can be effectively applied in reusable delivery packaging systems. We manufacture foam inserts for:

  • boxes
  • transport trunks and containers
  • crates
  • tool drawers
  • packets
  • and other kinds of packaging

We cut and mill foam inserts at the Client’s request. In order to assess the price, it is best to send us a technical drawing of a designed insert. However, if you do not have any ideas or possibilities to design packaging, do not worry, we will do it for you 😊. We also provide design services matching the item to be packed and protected. For this purpose, send the item to us for accurate dimensioning and to check our design straight away.